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July 18, 1980

Statement of the Conference of Foreign Ministers between Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam

The Foreign Ministers of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam accused Thailand of deliberately complicating the situation in its border areas with Cambodia and Laos. They criticized Bangkok of joining the US in collaborating with China against the Indochinese peoples and labelled this a grand plan of China aimed at expanding its influence and territory into Southeast Asia. The Ministers called for the negotiation and signing of non-aggression treaties between the Indochinese countries and Thailand as well as the other nations in Southeast Asia, cooperation in the issues of refugees and humanitarian relief, etc. They also warned Thailand against supporting the Pol Pot forces, violating Cambodia's sovereignty, inciting riots in Laos and denounced the Chinese invasion of Vietnam.

March 20, 1980

Memorandum by the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry on the Chinese-Vietnamese Negotiations

The Vietnamese Foreign Ministry accused China of uncooperative attitude in negotiation on the Chinese-Vietnamese war. They regarded China's eight-point solution as an attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of Cambodia and Laos rather than on the immediate issue of Chinese-Vietnamese relations. Vietnam put forward its own three-point solution and asked China to join them in a serious new round of negotiation.

February 17, 1979

Statement of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on the Chinese Invasion of Vietnam

The Vietnamese government denounced the Chinese invasion on February 17, 1979.

August 20, 1979

Information Regarding the Meeting and Conversation in the Crimea of L. I. Brezhnev with N. Ceausescu, on 1 August 1979

V.I Potapov informs on the discussion between Brezhnev and Ceausescu in Crimea in 1979. The Soviets are worried about the separate course followed by the RCP leadership with regards to domestic and international issues. Topics involve the Soviet criticism of the publications of the SRR regarding the Moldavian “territorial question”, the attitude of the Romanian leaders towards the Warsaw Treaty Organization, and towards the Chinese problem.

May 16, 1979

Conspect of Conversations with Cde. V. I. Potapov, Head of the Romania Sector of the CPSU CC Section

V.I Potapov informs on foreign and domestic policies of the Romanian leadership, including the education of the population in a nationalist and anti-Russian spirit, publications describing Russo-Romanian and Soviet-Romanian relations regarding Moldova, the anti-Soviet course of the Romanian leadership abroad, including the pursuit of separate relations with China. Soviet representatives claim that Ceausescu is the principal animator of the RCP’s separate course, which he wishes to use to consolidate his power.

December 1, 1965

Speech Given by Party First Secretary Le Duan to the 12th Plenum of the Party Central Committee

In this secret policy speech, Vietnamese Communist Party First Secretary Le Duan outlines the North Vietnamese negotiating strategy with United States, including the conditions under which talks between the two sides might first begin.

September 1960

The Short Version of the Negotiations Between CPSU and CCP Delegations (September 1960)

January 22, 1972

Secret Telegram from Moscow to Warsaw, No. 848

This document from the Soviets to Polish Comrades issues a warning about Zhou Enlai's anti-Sovietism and his advance in the Chinese government. It also addresses border issues between China and the Soviet Union.

July 1972

Information from Consultative Meeting about China July 3-5, 1972 on International Policy and Internal Situation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under Current Conditions

A lengthy document that addresses several issues related to Communism and China. It covers such topics as Chinese foreign policy, Chinese and American relations, Maoism, Chinese policy regarding developing countries, capitalist countries and other socialist countries.

October 13, 1972

Secret Telegram from Moscow to Warsaw, No. 11132

This telegram reports on the status of Sino-Soviet relations, as well as Sino-Japanese relations in light of an upcoming visit of the Japanese foreign minister to the Soviet Union.
