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August 17, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Mali to the General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries, ‘Regarding the Various Issues Concerning the Experts Coming to Mali’

The Chinese Embassy reports that Mali hopes that Chinese industrial experts will come to Mali.

August 30, 1962

Cable from the General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries to the Chinese Embassy in Mali, ‘Regarding Amendments to the Exchange of Notes’

Instructions for the Chinese Embassy on negotiating payments for Chinese experts in Mali.

January 30, 1962

Record of the State Council's Answer to the General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries’ Request for Instructions

Li Fuchun and Chen Yi provide instructions to the General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries on assistance to Mali.


Letter from the Ambassador Extraordinary of the PRC in the Republic of Mali to the Government of the Republic of Mali

The Chinese Embassy proposes the terms of sending Chinese experts to assist with agricultural development and production in Mali.

January 24, 1962

Cable from the General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries to Vice Premier Li Fuchun, ‘Regarding Instructions for the Exchange of Notes on the Chinese Agricultural Experts Going to Mali’

The General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries asks Li Fuchun for guidance on the terms of dispatching Chinese agricultural experts to Mali.

November 26, 1962

Cable from Li Qiangfen, 'Charge d’Affaires Li Presented the Premier’s Letter from the 11th'

Abdullah as-Sallal expresses support for China in the Sino-Indian Border Conflict and asks for Chinese economic assistance.

September 1, 1960

Letter to the GPRA Prime Minister, ‘Mission Summary’

A letter to the Algerian Prime Minister, describing diplomatic meetings in Cairo with ambassadors from China and the Soviet Union. In meeting with Chinese ambassador, discusses China's delivery of supplies and war materials for Algerians, Chinese training of Algerian communications technicians, and economic arrangements between the two countries. In meeting with Soviet ambassador, Algerian ambassador requests a specific list of weapons provided by the USSR from 1956-58, and other general areas of Soviet assistance for the Algerian cause.

January 15, 1964

The Chinese Government's Eight Principles for Economic Aid and Technical Assistance to Other Countries

During a state visit to Ghana in January 1964, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai outlines the principles of China's foreign economic assistance.

February 27, 1972

Joint Communique between the United States and China

The United States and China pledge to improve relations with one another in the famous "Shanghai Communique."


Korea: Uneasy Truce in the Land of the Morning Calm (New York: American-Korean Friendship and Information Center, 1976)

The AFKIC introduces its mission, the history of Korea, and the current situation on the Peninsula.
