Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Southeast Asia
East Asia
1898- 1976
North America
1893- 1976
1890- 1969
1904- 1997
March 30, 1965
Ben Bella shares his views on the revolutionary situation in Africa, particularly developments in the Congo.
July 1, 1964
Zhou Enlai and Nguyen Con discuss economic conditions in North Vietnam and China, as well as Chinese economic aid to the DRV.
September 30, 1962
Zhou Enlai meets with the head of a Vietcong delegation, Nguyen Van Hieu. The two discuss the Vietcong's struggle inside of Vietnam and the organization's international ties, as well as disarmament and Afro-Asian politics.
June 15, 1965
Zhou Enlai and Ho Chi Minh discuss preparations for the second Asian-African Conference and the potential participation of countries such as the Soviet Union, Malaysia, and India.
February 18, 1959
Zhou and Le Than Nghi review the economic situation in the DRV and Chinese economic assistance aid.
April 19, 1965
The United Arab Republic and Algeria do not support Vietnam, and Sukarno agrees to speak at the Asian-African Conference.
May 29, 1965
Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to Chinese Embassies noting foreign countries' responses to China's second nuclear test.
October 23, 1964
Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba describing positive responses of Cuban officials and foreign government officials and public in Cuba regarding China's nuclear test.
October 17, 1964
Cable from the Chinese Embassy in North Korea describing positive responses of North Korean officials and Vietnamese diplomats in North Korea regarding China's first nuclear weapons test.
May 15, 1965
The Chinese Embassy in Moscow reports reactions from students and military personnel in the USSR to China's second nuclear test.