Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Central America and Caribbean
1926- 2016
1913- 1989
North America
1895- 1978
January 11, 1962
Raul Castro discusses the enlargement of the Cuban army and navy and Cuba's aim to strengthen ties with Latin American countries in the wake of the upcoming OAS conference of ministers of foreign affairs.
January 21, 1961
Fidel Castro discusses the conditions of the Cuban economy and militia and expresses his belief that Cuba-United States relations are heading in a positive direction.
April 3, 1963
Fidel Castro reflects on inflammatory articles recently published by Claude Julien and responds to reports of delays in Cuban ports and a question regarding Soviet aircraft sales.
Raul Castro reports that Fidel read one of Khrushchev's letters at an ORO meeting and approved of an article detailing Soviet withdrawal. As well, Raul requests that Alekseyev speak in favor of his trip to the USSR when meeting with Fidel.
Fidel Castro praises recent CPSU CC letters and a report that Soviet military equipment will remain in Cuba, and Alekseyev informs him of a tense interaction with the PRC ambassador and of an upcoming public report of the withdrawal of Soviet military specialists.
March 31, 1963
Raul Castro requests that Major [Sunyol] be given or sold an automobile while in Moscow.
April 5, 1963
After delivering a speech at the Soviet embassy, Raul Castro critiques the Chinese diplomats who remained seated during a toast to Khrushchev, and Alekseyev informs him of the publication of divisive Chinese news articles.
Fidel Castro praises an upcoming speech by Malinovsky and relates an incident of the Cuban Air Force firing on an American fishing boat.
March 22, 1963
After an attack by counterrevolutionary pirates, the Cuban Air Force conducts a rapid operation to seize and detain them.
March 23, 1963
Alekseyev discloses the Soviet Union's agreement to relate its military withdrawal to Kennedy through diplomatic channels.