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June 5, 1944

Djilas’s Conversations at Stalin’s Dacha

Milovan Djilas meets Stalin at his Dacha to discuss current affairs.

May 19, 1944

Djilas' First Meeting with Stalin

Milovan Djilas relates his first meeting with Stalin and the discussion about the Yugoslav military and other general conversation.

March 12, 1947

Truman Doctrine, 'Recommendations for Assistance to Greece and Turkey'

Truman's speech to Congress in which he laid the foundations of the Truman Doctrine by stating that the United States would support Greece and Turkey in order to prevent them from under the sway of the Soviet Union. This speech is often cited as the beginning of the Cold War, and US containment policy.

September 17, 1948

Bi-Monthly Report from Bulgarian Intelligence on the Civil War in Greece

An intelligence report on the on-going Greek Civil War. Among other things, the report emphasizes the American support for the Greek government and the low morale in the National Army.

December 11, 1953

National Security Council, NSC 174, Draft 'United States Policy Toward The Soviet Satellites In Eastern Europe'

This report by the National Security Council discusses Soviet control over Eastern Europe, barriers to Soviet control of the satellites, and the power threat that consolidation poses to the United States. As a result, the NSC recommends that United States pursue a policy of resistance towards Soviet domination of its Eastern European satellites, and should impose pressure and propaganda to weaken Soviet influence.