Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Western Europe
1894- 1971
1895- 1978
1897- 1987
1895- 1975
East Asia
February 26, 1958
Representatives of Poland, the USSR, Finland, Austria, and Norway discuss the Rapacki Plan. Mr. Skylstad stresses the importance of reduction of conventional forces while expressing his support for the plan.
October 27, 1976
A Soviet diplomat confirms that North Koreans have been expelled from Moscow for drug smuggling.
November 15, 1955
The Soviet side provides information regarding missing Norwegian citizens. They then discuss the draft communique regarding trade and cooperation between Norway and the Soviet Union.
November 29, 1955
Khrushchev presents a draft agreement for maintaining contact with the Norwegian Labor Party and invites Gerhardsen and Skaug to visit the Soviet Union.
November 11, 1955
Gerhardsen and Skaug discuss trade between the USSR and Norway; control of the border river Pasvikelv (Paatso-Ioki) and the mutual exploitation of its hydro-energy resources; Norwegians citizens located in the Soviet Union, and Soviet-Norwegian cultural ties.