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September 23, 1944

Harriman's Telegram to the President

Harriman updates Roosevelt on Stalin's recent illness and a possible future meeting in the Mediterranean in November.

October 19, 1945

TASS Digest Distributed to Cde. I.V. Stalin and Cde. C.M. Molotov, 'Ecuadorian Press about a Statement Ascribed to Comrade Stalin by a New York Times Correspondent; etc.'

Articles on the Yalta Conference, Foreign Minister Molotov's influence in the Soviet Union, and Stalin's alleged illness.

July 11, 1945

Cable, Summary of Averell Harriman Meeting with T. V. Soong

Harriman summarizes the July 11 meeting of Dr. Soong and Stalin, reporting that Stalin has ceded the right of Soviet troops to operate in Manchuria and that China has agreed to acknowledge Outer Mongolia's sovereignty. Dairen and Port Arthur will remain under SOviet military control; there remains dispute over the administration of the Chinese-Soviet railway.

July 10, 1945

Record of a Meeting Between T. V. Soong and V. M. Molotov

Molotov and Soong author a Soviet-Chinese treaty regarding Outer Mongolia, Soviet troops, railways, port Dairen and Port Arthur.

July 7, 1945

Record of a Meeting Between T. V. Soong and Stalin

Stalin and Dr. Soong continue their discussions on Outer Mongolia, Soong reports Chian Kai-Shek's intention to preserve the status quo of Outer Mongolia according to the Yalta agreement. Stalin and Soong end their meeting in disagreement.

February 23, 1945

Hugh Dalton Diary Entry Concerning Meeting of Churchill with Junior Ministers

Hugh Dalton discusses Churchill's impressions of the Yalta Conference.

July 2, 1945

Record of a Meeting between T.V. Soong and Stalin

Notes taken during meetings between the Chinese nationalist government and the Soviet Union in Moscow during Sino-Soviet treaty negotiations.

February 22, 1972

Memorandum of Conversation between Richard Nixon and Zhou Enlai

February 11, 1945

Yalta Conference Agreement, Declaration of a Liberated Europe

The text of the agreements reached at the Yalta (Crimea) Conference between President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Generalissimo Stalin.

February 6, 1945

Letter from President Roosevelt to Stalin on an Acceptable Compromise Regarding the Composition of the Postwar Polish Government, 6 February 1945

Letter from President Roosevelt to Stalin on an Acceptable Compromise Regarding the Composition of the Postwar Polish Government; discussing Soviet actions and the Polish government.
