Discussion of the upcoming vote for the location of the 1972 Olympic Games, including the possibility of Moscow bidding to host them.
April 4, 1966
Central Council of the Union of USSR Sports Societies and Organizations Report on the 64th Session of the International Olympic Committee
[faded CPSU CC stamp:
2nd Sector]
The Central Council of the Union of USSR Sports Societies and Organizations reports that a session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) will be held in April 1966 at which a decision will be made on the site of the 1972 Summer and Winter Olympic Games.
Bids to organize the Winter Games have been submitted by the cities of Lahti (Finland), Sapporo (Japan), Calgary (Canada), and Salt Lake City (US), and for the organization of the Summer Games by the cities of Montreal (Canada), Munich (FRG), Madrid (Spain), and Detroit (US).
The Central Council thinks it possible for the representatives of the Soviet sports organizations in the IOC to offer a suggestion to move the consideration of the issue about holding the 1972 Summer Olympic games to the next session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), at the same time reporting that the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council of Worker's Deputies is ready to bid to organize the 20th Summer Olympics in Moscow in 1972. In the event this offer is declined permit [the Soviet representatives] to vote to hold the Summer Games in Madrid. Such a resolution of the issue meets the interests of the GDR, since in March of this year the sports organizations of the GDR opposed proposals to hold the Games in Munich.
The leadership of the Communist Party of Spain, as Cde. Ibarruri has reported, supports the opportunity of holding the 1972 Olympic Games in Madrid. At the same time, in view of the interests of Soviet sports organizations, it is more advisable to support proposals to hold the Olympic Games in Europe since otherwise, as in 1968, the Americans will have great advantages over our athletes.
As regards the holding of the Winter Olympic Games, we think it possible to support holding them in Lahti, and in the event this offer is declined, to vote for holding them in Sapporo.
We request [your] agreement.
Chairman of the Central Council of the Union of Soviet Sports Societies
and Organizations
(Yu. Mashin)
4 April 1966
[to the] archive of
the 2nd sector
A. Altayeva
rt2 2 April 1966
Telegram N 794 sent to
Rome on 20 April 1966
Cde. Mashin has been informed.
A. Altayeva
20 April 1966
Instructions to request a delay in the vote for the 1972 Olympic Games in order to allow Moscow to submit a bid to host them.
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