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April 1966

Concerning the Instructions to the Soviet Representatives at the 64th Session of the International Olympic Committee

VIII. Concerning the Instructions to the Soviet Representatives at the 64th Session of the International Olympic Committee[1]


SUSLOV. Does this concern where to hold the next Olympic Games, in what city? Either in Munich or in Madrid? Both cities are unfortunate for us.


PONOMAREV. It is inadvisable to support the offer to hold the Olympic Games in Madrid: it is not known what the Spanish authorities' attitude will be.


SUSLOV. What problems will arise in such a resolution of the issue?


STEPAKOV. There is a report, it is true, an unofficial one, that the Spaniards oppose holding the Olympic Games in Madrid.


SHELEPIN. But why do we not raise the question of holding the Olympic Games in Moscow?


MASHIN. We are not able to hold [them] in Moscow for the simple reason that [we] were already late with the bid.


SUSLOV. But can our delegation at the meeting of the Olympic Committee still be charged with raising the question of holding the Games in Moscow? Write a note quickly and we'll consider it.


MASHIN. But in any circumstances we will have to vote against holding the Games in Munich.


SUSLOV. Let's exchange opinions, and tomorrow we'll work out a decision.


[1] The 64th Session of the International Olympic Committee took place 25-28 April 1966.

Discussion of the upcoming vote for the location of the 1972 Olympic Games, including the possibility of Moscow bidding to host them.

Document Information


RGANI f.4, op. 44, d. 1, l. 57. Obtained for CWIHP by Mikhail Prozumenshikov and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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Meeting Minutes


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