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December 22, 1955

Letter, Kim Yong-shik of the Korean Mission in Japan to President Syngman Rhee

Meeting between Counselor Yiu Tai Ha [Yu Tae-ha] and Tooro Nakagawa regarding detainees of both countries, and Kim's conversation with Yiu on the matter

December 27, 1955

Minister Kim Yong-shik, 'Korean Plan for Negotiation as of December 27, 1955'

ROK Plans for negotiation regarding reparation of Japanese in Korea and Koreans in Japan

December 22, 1955

Letter, Kim Yong-shik of the Korean Mission in Japan to President Syngman Rhee

Talk with Major General Parks, General Lemnitzer on Korea-US relationship, Japanese politics, Japanese foreign relations

December 22, 1955

Letter, Kim Yong-shik of the Korean Mission in Japan to President Syngman Rhee

Summary of press report on Japanese view on Japan-Korea relationship

December 15, 1955

Letter, Kim Yong-shik of the Korean Mission in Japan to President Syngman Rhee

Call from Swedish Ministers in Japan on the agreement for the establishment of Korean National Medical Center

December 15, 1955

Political Report, Minister Yong Shik Kim [Kim Yong-shik] to the Office of the President

Report on followings: UN membership issue and its reaction in Japan, Japan's groundwork on atoms-for-peace

December 15, 1955

Letter, Kim Yong-shik of the Korean Mission in Japan to President Syngman Rhee

Proposal of Japanese Justice Ministry on the conditions regarding release of Korean detainees

December 15, 1955

Letter, Kim Yong-shik of the Korean Mission in Japan to President Syngman Rhee

Report on Japanese UN application being turned down, visit to the US embassy by Japanese Diet members, press reports, Kim's prediction on the US stance on Korea-Japan issue, his reluctance in using Ambassador Allison's name officially

December 8, 1955

Political Report, Minister Yong Shik Kim [Kim Yong-shik] to the Office of the President

Report on followings: Japan and UN Membership, Japan's population problem, Japanese reaction on Korean Joint Chief of Staff Statement

December 8, 1955

Letter, Minister Yong Shik Kim [Kim Yong-shik] to Office of the President

Report of the followings: Gratitude from Ambassador Tong, interest shown by local diplomatic circles regarding Korea-Japan issues, Copy of Korean press article regarding the issue
