Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Central America and Caribbean
North America
1926- 2016
Central Africa
South America
East Asia
1894- 1971
1913- 1989
1930- 2015
1915- 1998
May 26, 1962
A schedule for calls with the chiefs of the General Staff, including staff of the Armed Forces, Central Directorates of the Ministry of Defense, and directorates of the General Staff.
June 21, 1962
A report describing the influence that Cuba's tropical climate had on Soviet equipment and weapons. Corrosion, fuse failure, excessive oil consumption, and overheating are some of the effects mentioned.
May 24, 1962
A chart detailing the tactical and technical data of five Soviet ships. Details include the ships' displacement, cargo capacity, and speed.
June 15, 1962
An order from the Minister of Defense Rodion Malinovsky and Acting Chief of the General Staff V. Ivanov detailing the material and medical support to be sent with troops on the Anadyr' Operation. The order includes information about fuel, food, cigarettes, clothing, and medical supplies.
June 27, 1962
An order detailing the preparation of an editorial staff, mobile print shop, and film distribution base to be set up in Cuba.
September 27, 1962
An order detailing the preparation of automobiles and drivers to be sent to Cuba.
November 28, 1962
A detailed report following the motorship Volgoles from 4 October to 24 November 1962. The report includes information about US overflights and inspections of the motorship. Various shortcomings of the Soviet effort in Cuba are also mentioned.
November 16, 1962
A cover letter from the Chief of Headquarters in Cuba indicating that he is submitting photos of the withdrawal of Soviet troops and the destruction of Soviet launchpads in Cuba.
October 28, 1962
A letter to Khrushchev detailing the shooting down of a US U-2 aircraft that attempted to take photographs of Soviet troops on the island of Cuba.
August 1962
Marshal of the Soviet Union A. Grechko provides strict guidance on the personal and professional conduct of Soviet troops stationed in Cuba.