Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Middle East
June 24, 1955
This letter states that it will be possible to grant Iraj Iskanderi residence in Moscow, as well as helping with the arrival of his family and providing them with housing and financial support.
June 11, 1955
In this letter Radmanesh requests that People's Party of Iran Central Committee member Iraj Iskanderi be transferred from Budapest to Moscow along with his family, and that they may be provided with housing and financial assistance.
This letter requests the permission to supply People's Party of Iran Central Committee member Iraj Iskaneri with residence and work in the USSR, as well as permission for his family's arrival, a place for them to stay, and financial support.
This letter concerns a request made to supply Diba, student at the Higher Party School, with 10,000 rubles to furnish his apartment.
May 17, 1955
This letter describes Radmanesh's request to have the CPSU give monthly monetary aid to People's Party of Iran member Khatibi.
May 5, 1955
This letter requested permission to allow People's Party of Iran CC member Nushin to enter the Higher Courses of the Gor'ky Literature Institute.
January 30, 1955
This letter from an Iranian political emigre Ali Reza Hekmat describes the series of events, such as prison and confinement sentences, that have led him to the point of asking Khrushchev for help in finding the work he had been promised upon coming to the USSR. He lists his qualifications and reasoning for his request.
March 26, 1955
The letter is a request from Iranian political émigré Hekmat to the CPSU CC to give him assistance in finding work in [his] field. Also includes a recommendation for Hemkat.
February 15, 1955
This note requests the CPSU Central Committee to give 1800 rubles a month to Amirkhizi, a member of the CC of the People's Party of Iran, until permanent work is found for him. Handwritten note at the bottom of the page confirms he received assistance.
January 8, 1955
This letter describes the failure of the People's Party of Iran to act upon an opportunity to defeat the Shah's forces in Iran, and elaborates on what caused this lack of success. At the end, the People's Party of Iran appeals to other communist parties to get involved in helping them.