Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Southeast Asia
East Asia
1898- 1976
North America
1893- 1976
1890- 1969
1904- 1997
March 8, 1965
The Chinese Embassy in Hanoi reports that the Vietnamese government has made an approach to the Soviet Union following the suppression of student protests in Moscow.
The Chinese Embassy in Moscow reports on how the Vietnamese government and students plan to deal with the Soviet Union's suppression of student protests in Moscow.
The Chinese Embassy in Moscow reports on the effectiveness of China's broadcasting messages in Russian.
March 6, 1965
The Chinese Embassy in Moscow suggests that a discrepancy exists in the number of Vietnamese students injured offered by the Vietnamese embassy and the number actually hurt in the Moscow protests.
March 5, 1965
The Chinese Embassy in Moscow reports how the Vietnamese government plans to protest against the Soviet Union's suppression of student demonstrations.
The Vietnamese Ambassador meets with the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs following the crackdown on Vietnamese and Chinese student protestors in Moscow.
May 15, 1965
The Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria reports how representatives from throughout the socialist bloc in Bulgaria responded to China's second nuclear test.
March 25, 1984
Wu Xueqian describes the joint efforts of China, Malaysia, and Thailand to bring an end to the Cambodian-Vietnamese War.
February 21, 1985
Summary of an informal Interkit meeting to discuss China's foreign policy and tension with the Soviet Union.
November 6, 1984
Summary of annual Interkit meeting to coordinate Soviet bloc analysis of and policy toward China.