Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
North America
1898- 1976
Western Africa
Southeast Asia
1893- 1976
1879- 1953
1912- 1994
1909- 1992
December 19, 1965
Zhou Enlai criticises the developmental aid policies and practices of the United States and the Soviet Union. He and Sedky also discuss Chinese aid to Egypt.
February 18, 1959
Zhou and Le Than Nghi review the economic situation in the DRV and Chinese economic assistance aid.
October 19, 1964
Analysis of the recent Chinese nuclear weapon test and it's strategic implications for China's diplomatic and military policies.
October 24, 1945
W.A. Harriman and Stalin discuss post-war peace treaties and discuss who will be invited to participate in negotiations in the European war.
April 11, 1968
Indian objections to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
February 26, 1989
George H.W. Bush and Zhao Ziyang discuss Sino-American relations and China's reform and opening, in addition to the situations in Korea, India, Pakistan, and the Soviet Union.
November 2, 1970
Kim Il Sung's speech to the Fifth Congress of the Korean Workers' Party.
UK record of discussions with a Soviet delegation including Bulganin and Khrushchev.
July 10, 1945
Molotov and Soong author a Soviet-Chinese treaty regarding Outer Mongolia, Soviet troops, railways, port Dairen and Port Arthur.
Harriman reports that Soong and Stalin have come to an agreement over the issue of Outer Mongolia, and that China will recognize Outer Mongolia's independence in light of Stalin's proposed Treaty of Alliance between the two nations. Border disputes over Outer Mongolia and Sinkiang remain, as well as the issue of a joint Sino-Soviet railway and the administration of Port Arthur and Dairen.