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October 22, 1976

Telegram from Norwegian Ambassador to China to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'North Korea's Embassy in Oslo'

The North Korean Ambassador to China blames "invidiuals at the embassy in Oslo" for illegal smuggling activities there.

October 21, 1976

Notes for Interim Press Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Smuggling - North Korea's Embassy'

The North Korean ambassador is advised to leave Sweden following the discovery of smuggling activities in North Korean embassies.

October 21, 1976

Dispatch from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Embassy in Beijing, 'North Korea's Embassy in Oslo'

Norway will not reverse its decision to expel the current North Korean embassy staff. Visas have been received and approved for new staff.

November 2, 1970

Kim Il Sung, 'Report on the Work of the Central Committee to the Fifth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea'

Kim Il Sung's speech to the Fifth Congress of the Korean Workers' Party.

November 5, 1980

Telegram from Szabó Ferenc, 'Information from the Korean charge d’affaires on their ten-point proposal for reunification'

Information sent by DPRK charge d’affaires on ten-point proposal for reunification and the Hungarian response on the proposal

March 10, 1972

Handwritten comments on 'Korean opinion on various current issues'

A note attached to the report by Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on North Korea’s opinions on various issues in 1972.

February 22, 1972

Memorandum of Conversation between Richard Nixon and Zhou Enlai

November 23, 1963

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Request for Instructions on Supporting Korea’s Memorandum, “Ways to Resolve the Question of Korean Unification”'

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs proposes two options to the Central Committee for demonstrating its support for North Korea's position that the Korean issue should not be discussed at the United Nations General Assembly. The Ministry recommends that the People's Daily publishes supportive editorials but also suggests that other organizations could express their support for North Korea to newspapers instead.

December 13, 1979

Cable, South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs to All Overseas Mission Chiefs, 'Emergency Situation (No. 29)'

A telegram ordering all Overseas Mission Chiefs to report domestic responses of the arrest incident of Army Chief of Staff Jeong Seung-hwa.

December 1979

The Capability of the Puppet Regime to Launch an Attack on the South: A Comprehensive Analysis

South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs Information and Cultural Bureau reports on the current situation and information regarding the risk of a North Korea attack, North Korea's military capabilities, and the definiteness of a possible of a North Korean invasion.
