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April 5, 1983

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Vietnam rejects claims put forth by Thailand that "Viet Nam has attacked civilian population at refugee camps along the Thai-Kampuchean border and intruded into Thai territory."

November 30, 1982

Statement by the Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam on the Territorial Sea Baseline of Viet Nam

Vietnam submits its territorial claims to the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea.

August 30, 1982

Note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China dated 25 August 1982 to the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam in China

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs complains that the Vietnamese military has continued to intrude into Chinese territory and to attack Chinese fishing vessels at sea.

October 1, 1979

Letter dated 1 October 1979 from the Permanent Representative of Viet Nam to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General

Ha Van Lau transmits "Viet Nam's Sovereignty over the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa Archipelagoes" to the United Nations.

June 20, 1978

Four Notes Transmitted by the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

Four separate notes from the Government and Foreign Ministry of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam on the downturn in relations between China and Vietnam.

June 12, 1978

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China on the Expulsion of Chinese Residents by Viet Nam

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs insists that Vietnam has "distorted the facts and made unfounded counter-charges" in its statement "on Question of Hoa People in Viet Nam."

June 6, 1978

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on Question of Hoa People in Viet Nam

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam defends its track record in handling the question of Hoa People, or ethnic Chinese, in Vietnam and acusses China of creating "anti-Vietnamese feeling among the Chinese people."

June 16, 1954

Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist Conference, Speech by Vietnam Delegate

Nguyen Van Tam speaks about Vietnam's struggle against communism at the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist Conference in Chinhae, Korea.

January 4, 1959

Policy Documents for Expatriate Affairs related to the CCP Central Committee, Expatriate Committee, and District Committees (1956, 1957, 1959)

The CCP reviews its work with international Chinese in Southeast Asia as well as some of the boundary issues with Laos, Burma, and Vietnam.

April 5, 1965

Cable from Zhu Qiwen, 'The Vietnamese Side passing on the Soviet Communist Party’s Proposal regarding the Holding of a Three-Party Summit among the Soviet Party, and the Vietnamese Party, and the Chinese Party'

Zhu Qiwen reports on possible Soviet motives in proposing a three-party meeting between North Vietnam, China, and the Soviet Union.
