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Letter, Ya. Malik to Cde. V.M. Molotov

In this undated memo, written sometime after July 1946, Malik informs Molotov that he has completed a new draft directive for the Soviet delegation in the Joint Soviet-American Commission cconcerning Korea.

May 31, 1946

Report on the Work of the Joint Soviet-American Commission to Implement the Moscow Decision of the Three Ministers concerning Korea

The Soviet delegation proposed procedures for the work of the Joint Commission on Korea and the terms for consultation with parties and public organization; specifically, it called for the Commission to consult and only listen to parties and organizations of Korea that agreed with the Moscow Decision. The American delegation refused this demand, causing lengthy disputes. A list of parties and public organizations from both South Korea and North Korea for the consultation were drawn, but the right-wing parties in the Democratic Chamber, the administrative body of South Korea, opposed the Moscow decision and Joint Commission decision, and the discussion associated with the formation of a Provisional Korean Government was halted.

December 6, 1946

Report from General-Colonel T. Shtykov to Cde. I.V. Stalin and Cde. V.M. Molotov

Shytkov concludes that the Soviet delegation cannot back down from its demands for the parties in Korea to support the Moscow decision. A reversal of this position, Shtykov writes, would lead to the domination of US-backed, right-wing parties to take control over the Provisional Government of Korea.

September 1945

Atomic Bomb (Report of the Group of [Soviet] Embassy Staff Members Who Visited Hiroshima)

A group of staff members from the Soviet Embassy in Tokyo interviewed Japanese witnesses of the atomic bomb explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They found that the two bombs wreaked havoc on the bodies of those within a small radius of the explosion; most survivors exhibited severe burns, a decreased white blood cell count, and injuries from broken glass. Witnesses from outside this radius faced less severe injuries, and the Embassy staff note that the Japanese press has been exaggerating the effects of the atomic bomb in order to justify the nation’s unconditional surrender.

September 1945

G.J. Malik, 'Clarifications on the Compilation [about the Atomic Bomb]'

Soviet ambassador Yakov Malik introduces a compilation of eyewitness materials and data gathered in the aftermath of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Staff members from the Soviet embassy in Tokyo were sent to survey the explosion sites, speaking personally with survivors and capturing footage of the affected cities.

August 19, 1955

Proposal of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education on Providing Assistance to the Chinese People’s Republic in Training Specialists for Work in the Area of the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy

The CPSU CC agrees to assist the PRC with nuclear energy training.

August 19, 1955

Letter to the Soviet Ambassador [in Beijing]

The Soviet Union will help to train Chinese specialists in the area of nuclear energy.

May 17, 1944

Record of the Conversation of Comrade I.V. Stalin and Comrade V.M. Molotov with the Polish Professor Lange

Professor Oskar Lange, Stalin, and Molotov discuss the recent visit of Father Orlemanski and Polish Political affairs.

November 12, 1966

From the Diary of Shcherbakov I.S., 'Record of Conversation with DRV Prime Minister Pham Van Dong, 2 November 1966'

I. Shcherbakov and Pham Van Dong discuss Soviet-Vietnamese relations, the last developments on the battlefield, and American "peace maneuvers."

October 29, 1973

Personal Letter from the Head of the KGB, Yurii Andropov, to the General Secetary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev

Andropov gives his views on American and Soviet strategy vis-a-vis the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
