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October 18, 1979

Note regarding the Meeting between Minister of State Wischnewski with the Deputy Iranian Minister and Government Spokesman Dr. Sadegh Tabatabai on 19 October 1979 from 12:50 to 14:20 Hours in the Federal Chancellery

Tabatabai conveyed his government's regret over the assassination attempt on the German Merck administrative director Leib in Tehran that was organized an anti-government, anti-foreigner terrorist gang. The new revolutionary group and it's new laws and demands are described. Tabatabai continues to say that all negative rumors about the new regime, such as persecution against women and minority religions, is Zionist propaganda. The revolution has greatly damaged business. The fate of the Kurds are discussed.

April 5, 1978

Nuclear Waste Disposal of Nuclear Power Plants Iran 5 - 8; Here: Meeting of Mr. State Secretary with Dr. Etemad on 8 and 9 April 1978

Documents summarizes a meeting between Haunschild and Etemad on an upcoming visit to Tehran. It also includes information on talks held in March 1978 with Ahmad Sotoodehnia of the Atomic Energy Organization of lran.

April 28, 1966

National Intelligence Estimate 23-66, 'West German Capabilities and Intentions to Produce and Deploy Nuclear Weapons,' excised copy

This NIE estimated that within two years Bonn could produce enough fissile material to produce a nuclear weapon, but only by violating safeguards on its nuclear facilities.The estimators, nevertheless, believed that Bonn “will probably want to keep open what options it has for the eventual production of nuclear weapons.”

January 23, 1963

US Embassy West Germany Airgram A-1566, 'Franco-German Cooperation in Nuclear Field'

In a follow up report to an airgram from December 28, 1962, the U.S. embassy in Bonn determined that the French and the Germans were considering building a reprocessing plant at the Karlsruhe nuclear complex.

December 28, 1962

US Embassy West Germany Airgram A-1389, 'Franco-German Cooperation in Atomic Energy Matters'

This report from the American embassy in Bon to the Department of State details the embassy's impressions that cooperation between France and Germany in the atomic energy field was underway.

August 12, 1957

Letter from Max Isenbergh, Special Assistant for Atomic Energy, to Robert Schaetzel, Office of Special Assistant to Secretary of State for Atomic Energy, enclosing 'Franco-German Coordination of Advanced Weapons Research, Development, and Production'

During the summer of 1957, diplomats in London and Washington were becoming uneasy as they learned that France and West Germany were setting up formal arrangements to cooperate in the development of advanced weapons systems.

October 27, 1954

Memorandum of Conversation with British, French, and German Embassy Officials, 'German Atomic Energy Program'

In this meeting, Werner Heisenberg, a key figure in Nazi Germany’s atomic bomb project, reaffirmed the West German commitment not to manufacture atomic weapons to a group of U.S., British, and French officials in Washington.

April 4, 1976

Letter from Akbar Etemad, President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, to Hans-Hilger Haunschild, Deputy Minister in the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology of FRG

Etemad acknowledges receipt of a letter from Haunschild stating that fissionable nuclear materials will not be transfered to any of the countries listed in the annex.

April 4, 1976

Letter from Akbar Etemad, President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, to Hans-Hilger Haunschild, Deputy Minister in the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology of FRG

Etemad acknowledges receipt of a letter from Haunschild stating that in the future West Germany and Iran may cooperate " to build uranium enrichment, or fuel reprocessing installations in Iran."

April 4, 1976

Letter from Akbar Etemad, President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, to Hans-Hilger Haunschild, Deputy Minister in the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology of FRG

Etemad acknowledges receipt of a letter from Haunschild with details of the contract to be signed for nuclear cooperation between West Germany and Iran.