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March 24, 1954

Telegram, Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Information on Afanasii Gavrilovich Krymov

Information on Krymov. Afanasii Gavrilovich Krymov (also Evgenii Kyo, Guo Zhaotang, Ko Saotang, Guo Zhoutao, Zheng Zhitang) was born in 1905 in the city of Shanghai, a Chinese, and a citizen of the USSR. He finished his higher education at the Party History Institute of Red Professors. He is a candidate of history.

March 17, 1954

Letter, From I.Vinogradov to Soviet Central Committee Secretary M. A. Suslov, Regarding Afanasii Gavrilovich Krymov, a Prisoner of a Soviet Corrective-Labor Camp

Concerning the letter from Afanasii Gavrilovich Krymov, currently serving a sentence in a MVD [Ministry of Internal Affairs] USSR corrective-labor camp, with a request to look over his case and permit him to move to China.

January 24, 1954

Statement from A.G. Krymov (Guo Zhaotang), a Prisoner in Noril’sk and Former Member of the Chinese Communist Party and the Executive Committee of the Comintern

A statement from A.G. Krymov, where he pleas for cancellation of his verdict to a labor camp and to gain permission to serve the Communist cause in either the Soviet Union or China. In March 1938 he was arrested by the NKVD in Moscow and exposed as an enemy of the people.

February 25, 1956

Khrushchev's Secret Speech, 'On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences,' Delivered at the Twentieth Party Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

In a secret speech before a closed plenum of the 20th Congress of the CPSU, Khrushchev denounced Stalin’s cult of the personality. In addition, he revealed that Stalin had rounded up thousands of people and sent them into a huge system of political work camps (Gulags). This revelation was met with astonishment by many present for the speech, but helped to break the power that Stalin still held over the country.

September 25, 1986

Meeting Minutes of the Politburo of the CC CPSU, Regarding Persecution of Political Dissidents and Spies

In this September 1986 excerpt, Gorbachev receives a report from KGB chief Chebrikov that he had requested on “what kinds of people are serving sentences for crimes, which Western propaganda calls political.” Obviously following Gorbachev’s lead, Chebrikov proposes to alleviate the prison sentences of two-thirds of the 240 persons he lists under this category; but, in response to a question from Gromyko, he notes two cases where the guilty parties had already received a sentence that could not be reduced—execution for espionage.

June 2007

The Pathfinders (the Sinyavsky-Daniel show trial. Folder 41. The Chekist Anthology

In this case Mitrokhin provides a history of the Sinyavsky-Daniel show trial. Between 1959 and 1962 two unknown Russian authors (pseudonyms Tertz and Arzhak) published two anti-soviet books, “This is Moscow Speaking” and “The Trial Begins,” in Western countries.

The KGB was not familiar with the authors and did not know where they lived. According to Mitrokhin, KGB agent “Efimov” discovered that a litterateur from Moscow, Yuliy Daniel, had some anti-soviet materials. In the beginning of 1964 the analysis of all available information proved that Daniel was the author of “This is Moscow Speaking” and that his pseudonym was Arzhak. It was soon discovered that Tertz, whose real name was Sinyavsky, was Arzhak’s close friend. The KGB began a new operation “The Imitators,” which helped to learn about their connections abroad, new works in progress, places where authors kept their original writings as well as the means they used to send their literature to the West. Mitrokhin states that KGB agents had difficulties working because Sinyavsky once was an agent for the KGB, so he was familiar with all of the techniques.

In September 1965, after the KGB collected all of the necessary information, a criminal case was opened. Sinyavsky and Daniel were arrested. Mitrokhin provides details of the investigation process. In February 1966 the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union sentenced “the imitators.” Sinyavsky was sentenced to seven years in jail and Daniel was sentenced to five.

After Sinyavsky served his time, he moved to France with his wife where he became well respected among immigrants. According to Mitrokhin, however, later on he lost that respect because he published a provocative book A Walk with Pushkin. Mitrokhin states that the KGB kept monitoring Sinyavsky’s activities throughout his career in France.


Materials from the Trial of Ivan-Assen Georgiev

November 8, 1963

Proposal from Gen. D. Dikov and Bulgarian Politburo Resolution on Investigation and Trial of Georgiev

December 31, 1963

Excerpts from the Prosecutor's Act and the Verdict Against Ivan-Assen Georgiev

January 29, 1964

Analysis of Bulgarian State Security Second Directorate on Hypocrite (DVULICHNIK) Operation against Georgiev
