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May 31, 1968

Compilation of Comments on the Treaty of Tlatelolco Formulated during the General Debate of the First Committee on the Topic of the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Excluding Those of the Representative of Mexico...)

This memorandum is a compendium of comments about the Treaty of Tlatelolco made by different delegations at the UN. It includes statements by the delegates from the United States, Brazil, Ireland, Ethiopia, Austria, Italy, Pakistan, El Salvador, Mauritania, Iraq, Greece, Spain, Tanzania, Zambia, the Netherlands, Argentina, Venezuela, Sierra Leone, Canada, Jordan, Ecuador, Guyana, Colombia, Malta, Panama, Bolivia, Costa Rica, and Peru, in that order.

October 11, 1958

File Note of Department IV Director Łobodycz

Polish Department IV director reports on the opinion of Pitterman, the deputy chancellor of Austria, on the Rapacki Plan. Pittermann recognizes the moral significance of the plan, but finds Hungary's inclusion to be paramount.

October 10, 1958

Correspondence Digest No. 12722 from Rome to Comrade Ogrodziński

The secretary of state of the Austrian Ministory of Foreign Affairs, Kriesky, shares his opinions about the Rapacki Plan. He proposes certain elements, such as extending the nuclear-free zone to include the Scandinavian countries, and the establishment of a control body made up of representatives of the zone member states.

February 24, 1958

Code Message No. 2401 from Chargé d'Affaires Jurysiowa in Vienna to Łobodycz

The Polish chargé d’affaires in Vienna discusses Austrian reactions of officials and the press to the Rapacki Plan.

November 17, 1945

TASS Report Distributed to Cdes. I.V. Stalin, V.M. Molotov, A.I. Mikoyan, L.P. Beria, G.M. Malenkov, V.N. Merkulo, A. Ya. Vyshinsky, and V.G. Dekanozov, 'Otto Hapsburg Has Arrived in Austria'

A TASS correspondent and a representative of the press department of the French occupation forces in Austria inquire after the purpose of Otto von Habsburg's presence in Austria.

September 20, 1990

Final Report by Ambassador Bauer, '4 ½ Years in Bonn; Attempt on Prospects'

The document discesses the coalition between Austria and newly united Germany. It highlights the similar political views the countries shares and stresses its economic conflicts. The document continues weighing how to best unite Germany economically and its possible effects on the European Union. It ends with a commitment to ensuring Germany enters the European Union as an equal member.

July 18, 1990

Johann Plattner, Austrian Foreign Ministry, 'German Unity; State of Affairs in mid-July 1990'

The report assesses German unity in three parts. The first regards internal factors of integration such as integrating monetary systems and elections. The next portion regards external factors, focusing mainly on the USSR's parameters for reunification regarding NATO and Poland's western border. Finally, the report assesses German reunification and predicts the process will be complete by the end of the year (1990). In addition, it discusses the positive prospects for European Unity and emphasizes Austria's role in binding a newly united Germany to Western Europe.

May 8, 1990

Memorandum of Conversation Chancellor Franz Vranitzky – Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, London

The document contains a conversation between Chancellor Franz Vranitzky and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Thatcher begins with the state of internal affairs in Great Britain then relates its position to the European Union and role in German Unification. The conversation then turns to the role of Austria and its effort to join the European Commission. In the wake of problems in Eastern Europe, Thatcher stresses her preference for Western Europe to avoid involving itself in the counter movements.

May 7, 1990

Memorandum of Conversation Chancellor Franz Vranitzky – President François Mitterrand, Bordeaux

The document is a summary of a meeting between French President Francois Mitterrand and Austrian Chancellor Franz Vranitzky, and Vranitzky's ensuing presentation on democracy in Eastern Europe. This included Austria's duties and obligations to this process. Both ministers proceeded to reflect on their country's relationship with Germany both past and future.

April 26, 1990

Johann Plattner, Austrian Foreign Ministry, 'The General Secretary’s [Thomas Klestil] Political Exchange of Views in Bonn (24 April 1990)'

The document entails interviews with several Austrian and German officials and recounts their views on various issues surrounding German reunification. The first is an interview with State Minister Adam-Schwater where the primary focus is monetary unification and budgetary restrictions for integration. The second interview is with State Secretary Sudhoff revolves around European issues such as the CSCE, security, border issues, and the time frame for reunification. The notes from State Secretary Lautenschlager reiterate the need for monetary integration in addition to expressing Austria's desire for a European Coalition. The fourth section are notes from both Chancellor Kohl and Ministerial Director Teltschik. In it they reiterate East Germany's desire for reintegration and outline four pressing needs - decisions from the 2+4 agreements, a new security structure, disarmament, and economic development. Finally there are notes from the CSCE Summit, where Austria is asked to evaluate other Eastern European countries (specifically Yugoslavia) and evaluate neutrality in a changing European order.
